New Release of MagicSpam for cPanel and WHM/cPanel PRO

Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 -0700 | by mThreat Technology Inc.

Following our latest updates for MagicSpam Plesk, mThreat Technologies is also thrilled to release adjoining MagicSpam LITE and PRO updates for cPanel/WHM. Over the last few months, we’ve been working tirelessly to address issues with our “Logs.” It was clear certain areas of the software weren’t performing up to snuff, or even running optimally, so we had to remove them temporarily while we worked out the kinks. Now, with MagicSpam PRO v2.2.1 and LITE v2.1.1, we are pleased to announce the issues have been addressed and Log functions are up and running once more. Beyond Log Search functionality changes, we have implemented several quality of life features.

Better compatibility with the latest Linux kernels

With the introduction of the fs.protect_regular_files feature in recent Linux Kernels, our team has worked diligently to ensure compatibility and overcome potential obstacles. This update resolves issues with the upgrade now functionality, providing users with real-time feedback during the upgrade process.

Restoration of Logs and Log Search features

As mentioned,advanced log search capabilities, including search by subject, sender header, and more, were shelved for development and maintenance. With this update, these features return and function properly.

Enhanced security for WHM API interaction

In this MagicSpam release for cPanel, significant improvements have been made to enhance the security of WHM API interaction. These enhancements include the implementation of explicit host restrictions and the automatic expiration of API keys upon package removal. By introducing explicit host restrictions, we ensure that only authorized hosts can access the generated API keys, adding an additional layer of security to the system. On top of that, the automatic expiration of API keys upon package removal prevents unauthorized access in the event of package deletion, mitigating potential security risks.

Streamlining the user interface

In this latest release, we have updated the user interface to improve usability and provide a more intuitive experience. One noteworthy enhancement is the cleaner alignment on the Anti-Spam System Options page, ensuring elements are neatly organized for easier navigation. By streamlining the interface, users can effortlessly access and configure settings, leading to a smoother and more efficient workflow.

Email notification management improvements

We made enhancing email notification management a priority in this update. By addressing issues related to notification message delivery, including compatibility with SPF checks, we have bolstered the reliability of email notifications. Additionally, users now have the flexibility to set the sender email address for notifications, empowering them to customize their communication preferences according to their needs.

Additional Platform Support

We have extended support for new operating systems, including Redhat/CentOS 9, Rocky Linux 9, CloudLinux 9, Alma Linux 9, and Ubuntu 22.04. While embracing these advancements, we have also deprecated support for outdated systems, ensuring that our platform remains aligned with evolving technology standards and user requirements.

Full update summary:

  • Improved handling of recent Linux Kernel feature 'fs.protect_regular_files' to ensure compatibility and prevent issues with the 'upgrade now' functionality.
  • Restored advanced log search capabilities, including search by subject and sender header, and view SPAM status and SpamAssassin score results.
  • Enhanced security for WHM API interaction with explicit host restrictions and key expiration upon package removal.
  • Eliminated unnecessary WHM API key generation for the LITE package to streamline packaging actions.
  • Introduced a new module to address issues with arbitrary deletion of WHM API keys and provide guidance for integration troubleshooting.
  • Fixed non-functional log search for Reverse DNS PTR Name and improved usability of the 'Filter By' selection dropdown box.
  • Simplified license key re-entry process for cases of corrupt license key files.
  • Refactored Anti-Spam System Options page for cleaner alignment and improved user experience.
  • Updated notification message sender address to ensure compatibility with SPF checks and introduced option for custom sender email address.
  • Enhanced Migration tool to include all system options in the migrated dataset.
  • Fixed bugs related to log search engine filtering and rendering, including daylight savings time discrepancy.
  • Added 'TEST' deliverability button for admin email address and streamlined package installation for SpamAssassin Updates.
  • Improved user interface for better adaptation to different resolutions and fonts.
  • Fixed various bugs in log search, user settings module, and email authentication security report cron job.
  • Included timezone in admin email 'test' message and fixed PHP timezone selection errors.
  • Added option to select preferred time display for log search results.
  • Deprecated support for outdated operating systems (Redhat/CentOS 6 and CloudLinux 6) and added support for new ones (Redhat/CentOS 9, Rocky Linux 9, CloudLinux 9, Alma Linux 9, Ubuntu 22.04).

If you encounter any issues with updating, feel free to reach out to our support team at support [at] !

About MagicSpam

MagicSpam is an mThreat Technology product. Since 2008, MagicSpam has been at the forefront of the cybersecurity space for SMTP-level anti-spam. Today, it is deployed in more than 80 countries and protects millions of users. For more information, visit or follow @MagicSpam on X. For media inquiries please contact our head office at (604) 682-0300 or email MagicSpam® is the Registered Trademark of mThreat Technologies Inc. and Wizard Tower TechnoServices Ltd.

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