
I Gave MagicSpam A Try and Was Blown Away by the Results!
I've lost a number of web hosting clients due to the number of spam emails our server was receiving. I'm always skeptical about new products that claim they can filter out spam, so I decided to give MagicSpam for Plesk a try.
The results were phenomenal! Within the first 24 hours over a 1000 spam emails were refused by the server.
I wanted to give high regards to your company for creating a superb product. The price is within anyone's budget, the installation was simple and the MagicSpam Administration Control Panel is easy to understand. Technical support is quick to respond and I will definitely recommend your product. I'll be a life time subscriber.
— Raymond Lee, Brainstorm Video Inc

We are a small web hosting company in Germany using Linux Pleskserver. Initially we used other anti-spam filtering but unfortunately too many spam emails were getting through, approximately 100-120 spam emails arrived in my own mailboxes everyday. After we activated the commercial license of MagicSpam on our servers, the amount of spam dropped to 2-3 spam emails every day. We found MagicSpam's anti-spam filtering to be very precise. From time to time clean emails were being rejected. We find these via the logs, make exceptions, and inform the senders what they are doing wrong. We are very happy with the commercial version of MagicSpam.
— Stephan Schulz , from schulz-stephan.de

@magicspam using MagicSpam via @SmartHostingUK for a while. You guys are doing a good job. Keep it up.
— Seyzed (@seyzed), via Twitter

Best Support
I wanted to let everyone know that I tried this product, and at first it did not work. I turned out I had installed a 32bit RPM and needed a 64 bit RPM, which MagicSpam did not have.
I contact support and they where very helpful and quick to work on my issue. Within 24 hours they had a 64bit RPM for my system that worked great. I am off and running and very happy.
I just started using MagicSpam and so far it works very well. In the long run if it works half as good as their support then I will have no complaints.
— TWiP, via MagicSpam forums

You Guys Do Rock!
I installed MagicSpam 4 days ago, and I have to say I am really really impressed! This is I think the first time I have ever posted a "it rocks" about any product...
— Ruudboy, via MagicSpam forums

Amazing customization, awesome results!
MagicSpam has been an excellent choice for my email server spam suppression needs. The fact that I can tailor the settings for each client makes email delivery from mission critical clients flawless. I utilize the logging features daily and many times they have pointed me to a larger issue, like a compromised password. Within minutes I can identify and resolve issues that come up. Quick adjustments and newsletter emails, and service email notifications get through with virtually no false positives. My clients love it!
- prowebsecure, via cPanel Forums

MagicSpam pretty much “just works”. It doesn’t require an inordinate amount of tweaking…[and] there are nice graphs which gives you a visual overview of how much mail is entering your system, and how much of that is spam.
MagicSpam is an easy to install [and] affordable plug and play alternative. It works well especially when used together with Spamassassin. MagicSpam acts to catch spam before it enters the system, and Spamassassin will weed out anything else…this is where MagicSpam shines as a turnkey anti-spam solution. It just works.
- Brandon Yap, Core Dump
We Care About What You Have to Say
If you are happy with our service, we would love to show off your letter of approval. In the event that you are not totally satisfied, please contact us and we will do everything we can to make it right.
If you’d like to leave feedback, send us an email, reach out to us on twitter, or visit our forums. We can’t wait to hear from you!
Please note that your submission may be edited for space and legibility. Rude or obnoxious messages WILL be ignored.
— The MagicSpam Team

Excellent Support and Well Priced!
MagicSpam is such a relief, it simply blocks out most of the rubbish that get thrown at the server, and I mean most!!! 1765 email today, only 20 let through none of which were spam!! Excellent support and well priced! Keep it up.
— Matt

Absolutely Brilliant Product!!!
I just recently purchased MagicSpam for Plesk and initially I was sceptical. However, installation was extremely easy and quick, there was no confusing configuration (defaults do really work perfectly), and it WORKED!!!!! Our email volume was reduce by over 90% and it was all spam! All this time I could have reduced bandwidth server load, and of course cut out spam. I wish I knew about this earlier.
I don't normally bother to write feedback, but I had to on this occasion because companies like MagicSpam ought to be congratulated and encouraged to continue their fantastic work!!!
So, thank you for developing such a fantastic product that works so incredibly well and has solved one of the biggest problems I have been having with our mail server!
Keep up the great work and I look forward to long time use of your product!!!
— cmuser, via MagicSpam Forums

Best Spam Protection at a Great Price
I installed MagicSpam Pro on our vps server because of the flood spam that was coming into our client's email. My personal email was receiving approximately over 125 spam emails a day. After we installed MagicSpam, our spam has virtually been eliminated and server loads have significantly decreased.
Customer support is outstanding. As things sometime go, we didn't install the plugin correctly (our fault) and the support team went above and beyond to help me get this corrected. Spam drives me nuts. This plugin has all sorts of options and levels for blocking spam to the client's specifications. And should a spammy IP Address somehow filter through, they want to know about it so that they can quickly resolve the issue. There are many options for Spam protection, most requiring you to change MX Records. With MagicSpam, installation is easy and does not require you to change any records. Everything is handled on site. And one price covers it all, no matter how many email accounts are on the server. Can't say enough good things about this WHM/cPanel Plugin. It is worth a try.
- BobS0221, via cPanel Forums

It Really Does Work!
This is a brilliant spam blocker for Plesk. It’s really easy to install as a module and easy to configure. It’s blocked thousands of spam e-mails before they even hit the customers’ mailboxes.
Thanks a million for developing this, you guys DO rock!!
— ynh, via MagicSpam Forums

RE: Best Support
It is unbelievable that there are still companies that REALLY DO hear your screams for support. Other than just being a great product, support is SUPER DUPER FAST. In only minutes, not only is your [email answered], but a solution comes out. The reason why I decided to purchase MagicSpam is 50% for the great product and 50% for the excellent best support I have ever received (and we do have many providers for our company).
Thank you very much and keep it up!
— isaak, via MagicSpam forums

After 17 years of web and mail hosting @midwestdatainc, kudos to partners @plesk @magicspam for making my life manageable and users happy.
— Omar Nuseibeh (@Jiddo_Omar), via Twitter

Works Well. Great Support.
My OS (SUSE 10.2) wasn't supported. I asked. 2 days later I got working version for my OS. Great job.
Performance of MagicSpam is impressive. I have it installed along with Spamassassin and they both work well. MagicSpam stops 95% of the spam on SMTP level, Spamassassin filters the message contents. Since I installed MagicSpam, 95% of the junk doesn't even make it to SpamAssassin.
This is a great product. Easy to use and support is exceptional. Thank you.
— tomcrom, via MagicSpam Forums

The install and setup was easy. Being a Linux noobie, I got it to work on the first try…[it’s now] working in conjunction with MailScanner FE and Spamassassin. I control it on the WHM side and did not enable it on cpanel side.
Once installed, I have been watching it on a daily basis [and] it stops about 5k+ a day of spam…My customers have noticed a big difference and have even thanked me from stopping all that spam for them.
Over all I love this company so far... I am pushing 95% [of spam blocked] with Magic Spam in place. Basically I went from 600+ daily spams scores to 75 or less.
— Tony, hostingwhy.com

Nuestros Reseller nos pedían un software que se integre fácilmente a Zimbra, que sea simple de configurar y administrar, robusto y económico. Lo que parecía ser un imposible lo encontramos en MagicSpam.
— German Yovan, CEO from LINWARE

MagicSpam is a great product and it does perfectly what it promises to do. The spam has been radically reduced. We like it because of the beautiful MagicSpam’s UI, it is very easy for the admin to search logs, find out the cause and add the sender to “Exemptions" or remove an IP from “Rate Limiters” and so on.
— Stratos, from SigmaWeb

Lo que motivó a nuestra empresa a trabajar con MagicSpam fue cuando nos vimos desesperados por la carga en los servidores y el aumento de llamados que nos comenzó a generar el aumento exponencial de correos no solicitados por nuestros clientes y sobre todos los de intento de fraude. Realmente fue un antes y un despues la implementación de MagicSpam en nuestra infraestructura y en la de clientes que administramos. Ahora tenemos un sistema de correo que tiene niveles de filtro de spam que compite con la sensación del servicio que entrega GoogleMail y Exchange con O361.
— Eduardo Castro, CEO de Tecnoera

Dedidimos convertirnos en resellers porque MagicSpam fue una solución que en la practica comprobó ser un gran aliado en la gestión del spam para nuestros clientes, disminuyendo el número de incidentes y problemas relacionados, aumentando la satisfaccón de nuestros clientes, algo que esta alineado con nuestro propósito esencial como marca.
— Mauricio Grizales, CEO from Dongee